New World New Skills Entrepreneurs Need
Posted On: 27/02/25 - 0

Long before Covid arrived, I could see that there was a new world and new skills entrepreneurs need to stay relevant in an ever changing society. In our industry, many technical changes for Paul as well as tax laws change faster and faster. For me, sales, marketing, cold calling, and networking has completely evolved. We have also experienced a big change in what customers expect in terms of our service.

Covid forced us to pivot quicker than we had planned to a highly technical and secure digital service. Many people did not want to come to the office anymore which accelerated the need to create a virtual accounting experience. We are a small enough corporation that we could quickly adapt to a new business model.

What Is An Upskill?

An upskill is intentionally enhancing the current skill set of a team member by taking on additonal training and development.

The following are skills that we have had to learn or to “upskill” to stay ahead of an ever changing curve.

Firstly, Agility is paramount in a chaotic time. Entrepreneurs were hit hard with loss of revenue during the pandemic. Especially, for those who were not willing to change how they did business, or were slow to pivot. We continue to be agile as our industry is still changing.

Secondly, problem solving skills is mandatory for entrepreneurs. Things were changing so fast, you had to make very quick decisions based on so many unanticipated problems.

Thirdly, we had to really focus on business leadership skills. Both staff and clients were dealing with so much uncertaintly and many of them looked to us for answers. At times we didn’t have the answers. However, we were there to reassure people that we would get them answers as they became available.

Fourthly, following up in business is critical. It shows people that you are committed to them, it builds trust and rapport with your customers and staff.

Finally, be good to yourself. Back in that time, work was especially stressful. This all happened during tax season which usually is stressful without the additional chaos. Paul and I spent a lot of time decompressing by hiking in the mountains. It helped us to deal with all of the unplanned events that happened as a result of so many of our clients facing shutdowns. We both continue to be very physically active to this day.

Covid is nothing but a distant memory, but going through that time taught us the importance of always being open to change in our business. Some of those lessons were difficult at the time, but truly it has shown us that we are flexible and are still willing to learn. We have what it takes to get through the difficult times. Those upskills have helped us to this day and now I look back on the pandemic and think about all of the positive that happened to our business as a result.

If you are looking to not only survive but thrive in your business, give us a call. We provide monthly accounting advisory services. If you are looking for solutions to your business growth challenges, call us. We know what it takes to be successful entrepreneurs in both the good and the challenging times.

12203-107 Avenue.
Edmonton, Alberta.
T5M 1Y9

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